Lilith.Aeon @Neo Shibuya TV x New Media Art
Lilith.Aeon was streamed on 9 screens around Shibuya station from 25 April - 1st May 2022 at Neo Shibuya TV curated by New Media Art.
@lilith.aeon – Genesis by AΦE is a story-based NFT, a new experience between real and digital world through a storytelling.
Born in digital space, shaped through simulation, and transgressing digital lines through live performance, Lilith represents an ongoing and evolving physio-digital performer – she is a cryogenically frozen child, a soul trapped in limbo, suspended between death and a future reawakening.
Lilith chatbot is also awake, come and chat with Lilith:
1. Join our discord from here
2. Follow chat thread #lilith-info-リリス案内
Coproduction: La Filature, Scène nationale – Mulhouse
Supported by Innovate UK, Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries - University of Kent, Arts Council England and RebusFarm