CINARS Biennale 2024- Pitch Session: TNWO

Tuesday 12 November, 2024
2:00 to 3:30 pm EDT
Hotel Bonaventure Montréal
900 Rue De la Gauchetière O, Montréal, QC H5A 1E4, Canada (map)

AΦE is honoured to pitch our latest robotic dance artwork, The New World Order (TNWO), at the 2024 CINARS pitch session.

The pitch session aims to provide companies and artists, selected by a jury, the opportunity to share information about projects in progress with artists, agents, and presenters during the CINARS Biennale. It offers the perfect platform to establish artistic or financial partnerships, as well as discover avant-garde projects!

TNWO is an allegory to how artists and their artworks fit within our current sociopolitical environment. Reflecting the feeling of being in power and powerlessness, our way of life, career, ideas, identity, and dreams are often shifted by what surrounds us and dictated by algorithms rhythming our daily routines.

TNWO addresses a multitude of questions from sustainability - to the artist’s creation process.
AΦE decided to set the story at the end of the human era in a poetic apocalyptic world, resulting from humans' carelessness and overexploitation towards our mother Earth. The piece blends technology and choreography, it aims to explore the possibilities of the robotic arms' movements and uncovers stories that can develop from this highly engineered piece of metal.

This is a take to respond to AΦE’s concern and ongoing research about human existential risk, the future of humanity, environmental responsibility, technological evolutions and how our current actions shape our future. TNWO raise awareness of the relationship between the environment, humans and technology.

Taking inspiration from the play of the same name, written by Harold Pinter.

Like Pinter says himself:
"There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal, nor between what is true and what is false.
A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false."

[We] I believe that these assertions still make sense and still apply to the exploration of reality through art. So as a writer, I stand by them but as a citizen, I cannot. As a citizen, I must ask: What is true? What is false?”

TNWO allowed AΦE to be playful, taking risks and exploring many levels of interpretations of themes but as one whole.

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